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Monday, November 8, 2010


Parental Influence and Interference  (117-118)
                -typically: parents are praised for a child’s success and shamed for a child’s failure
“The major source of human misery” is the “neglect, wounded child” in each of us. (Bradshaw)
-Shared environment influenced typically account for less than 10% of children’s personality differences “Two Children in the same family [are on average] as different from one another as are pairs of children selected randomly from the population.” Robert Plomin and Denis Daniels
Peer Influence (120-121)
-Peer power: as we develop we must play/ work/ mate/ partner with peers. Children and the youth are very sensitive and responsive to peer influence
-“When in Rome, they become Romans.” (Harris)
-part of similarity to peers may result from “selection effect”
Parental nurture is like nutrition***

(Nedjine )

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