Modeling is the observing and then imitating of a specific behavior. In people, this may include catch-phrases, foods, ceremonies, traditions, and the current fads. Examples in animals may include gorillas that learn and generalize complex actions amongst each other.
Mirror Neurons
Mirror Neurons are located in the frontal lobe area that is adjacent to the motor cortex. They provide a neural basis for observational learning and they are active during observation and physical actions. The process of learning new words is also aided by mirror neurons through imitation.
Albert Bandura
Bandura experimented with children by having an adult display aggressive behavior towards a doll in view of the child. Later, the child was presented in a situation where access to the doll was available and reason to imitate the aggressive behavior was provided. This resulted in the child performing what the adult had done and it shows how imitation affects others and that anti-social models tend to have anti-social effects. Examples of this today are repeated gun threats in schools and the abuse of married women in multiple generations of one family.
Prosocial models
Nonviolent, helpful behavior is shown to be imitated similarly as anti-social models are. Humanitarian behaviors in families are often found in the parents of a person exhibiting them.
The impact of Television
Television becomes a source of learning for children who are given access to it. Children watch TV, on average, more time than they spend in school. Changes in speech and behavior become evident once TV is introduced and the acts of violence in shows and movies have created correlations such as greater hours spent watching TV leads to more aggression and as introduction to TV increases the homicidal rates of countries double. This is proposed to be a result of the imitation of violence on broadcasts by the youth.
The good news about TV
Television does not have only negative side effects. An increased awareness in nations is displayed as media gains access to newer tools. Early forms of education from television broadcasts may also benefit younger children.
Desensitizing the Youth
Prolonged exposure to violence, while watching television or even actual life, causes individuals to become indifferent to the violent acts of rape and violence. Less sympathy for victims is also shown to occur in those who are used to such things in their daily lives.
more real world examples needed.